Gatot Wijayanto, Ni Wayan Sinta Devi Saraswati, Tengku Firli Musfar, Jushermi,
Marzolina |
Volume 1, Number 4, June 2023
e-ISSN: 2963-301x and p-ISSN: 2963-3435
Gatot Wijayanto1*, Ni Wayan Sinta Devi Saraswati2, Tengku Firli Musfar3,
Jushermi4, Marzolina5
Riau University, Pekan Baru, Indonesi1,2,3,4,5
Hedonic Browsing,
Utilitarian Browsing,
Gender, Impulse
Buying, Marketplace
This study aims to determine the effect of hedonic and utilitarian browsing on
impulse buying in the Shopee marketplace, as well as the role of gender in
moderating this influence. The population of this study includes the users of Shopee
Pekanbaru City who are Generation Z. The research method used is descriptive
quantitative, especially causal associative research. Primary data was collected
through an online survey and analyzed using SEM-PLS through the WarpPLS
version 7.0 application. The number of samples taken is 200 people aged 18-26
years in Pekanbaru City. The sampling technique used in this study is a non-
probability sampling technique with a purposive sampling technique. The results
showed that: 1) there was a positive and significant effect of hedonic browsing on
impulse buying generation Z at Shopee Pekanbaru City, 2) there was a negative
and insignificant effect of utilitarian browsing on impulse buying generation Z at
Shopee in Pekanbaru City, 3) The gender variable has a positive and insignificant
effect in moderating the effect of Hedonic Browsing on Online Impulse Buying in
the Shopee marketplace in Generation Z in Pekanbaru City, 4) The gender variable
has a positive and insignificant effect in moderating the influence of Utilitarian
Browsing on Online Impulse Buying in the Shopee marketplace in Generation Z in
Pekanbaru City.
Indonesia is a developing country that can be a potential target in marketing products from both
local and international companies. This is because Indonesia is the fourth country with the highest
population in the world, which is around 273 million people (Zulfikar, 2021). In addition, Indonesian
also have special characteristics when doing shopping activities, including having short-term memory,
lack of planning, tend to be in groups or like to hang out, not adaptive to new technology, focus on
content not context like goods produced abroad, pay more attention to religious issues, like to show off
and prestige, are not much influenced by local culture, and care less about the environment (Wulan et
al., 2019). The phenomenon of globalization has also brought changes and developments in the
economic and trade fields, especially in the field of information technology. This is indicated by the
increasing use of the internet among the community. Survey conducted by Hootsuite stated that the
number of internet users in Indonesia in January 2020 period was 175.4 million people, or about 64%
of the total population of Indonesian people, which amounted to 272.1 million people. This number
shows a high increase of 17%, or around 25 million people, compared to January 2019.
The current use of internet technology has slowly changed consumer buying behavior.
Consumers who used to have to go to the store before being able to buy the desired item, are now
turning to the internet. This activity is referred to "online shopping". Kharis (Kharis, 2011) states that
online shopping has advantages, namely that apart from consumers are able to see product designs that
are already available. Consumers can also request designs so that payments can be made online. The
most sought over products when doing online shopping activities are fashion products. This is
evidenced by the 2019 Digital Consumer survey conducted by Nielsen Company that as many as 72%
of online shoppers buy fashion products, followed by food and beverage products (48%),
Vol 1 No 4, 2023
[ Gender: Moderate Effect of Hedonic Browsing and Utilitarian
Browsing Toward Online Impulse Buying Generation Z on Shopee
in Pekanbaru City]|Gatot Wijayanto, Ni Wayan Sinta Devi Saraswati, Tengku
Firli Musfar, Jushermi, Marzolina
gadgets/electronics (41%), then daily necessities and cosmetic/facial care categories, each of which is
40%. In addition, with this online shopping trend, the payment process has shifted to digital using an e-
wallet. This is evidenced by Nielsen Company survey data, as many as 56% of internet users now use
the e-wallet payment method almost every day, and 81% of them use e-wallet to pay for the purchase
of food and beverage products (Nielsen Consumer & Media View, 2016; Nielsen, 2020).
One part of the society that uses the most internet in Indonesia is Generation Z. Based on an
article published by Kominfo on January 29, 2021, the Population Census conducted by the Statistics
Indonesia in 2020 shows that Generation Z is the generation with the largest population composition in
Indonesia, which is 27.94%, or equivalent to around 75 million people. According to the Generation
Theory by Codrington and Marshall in (Sinjaya & Santoso, 2021), Generation Z was born in 1995-2010
and known as the iGeneration, GenerasiNet, and Generation Internet. Meanwhile, according to
Statistics Indonesia, which refers to the literature by William H. Frey, Generation Z consists of two
levels, namely Generation Z and Post Generation Z. Generation Z is a group of people born in 1997-
2012 while Post Generation Z is a birth cohort born in 2013 and beyond, which is estimated to be 8
years old (Badan Pusat Statistik, 2021). From these two perceptions and explanations regarding the Z
generation, it can be concluded that Generation Z is a group of people born in 1997-2012.
Each generation has different buying habits and preferences, which can be traced to product
category, frequency, and personal preferences in terms of where they buy their daily needs. In a
discussion forum organized by the MarkPlus Center for Tourism and Hospitality, it was found that
Generation Z tends to give back to others. As a result, when they start negotiating to buy, they choose
a brand that will make a greater contribution to the community as a whole (such as the environment,
society, etc). In addition, it was also stated that Generation Z has the ability to save and spend instantly.
In conclusion, several factors that can influence consumer behavior, especially Generation Z are how
much access they have in terms of technology, trends, and how they consume information.
The business sector that is currently engaged with the use of the internet is e-commerce. E-
Commerce is divided into several types or types based on the nature of its users, namely: B2C
(Business-to-Consumer), B2B (Business-to-Business), C2C (Consumer-to-Consumer), P2P (Peer-to-
Peer) and Mobile Commerce. One type of e-commerce that is very mushrooming today in Indonesia is
C2C (Consumer-to-Consumer) or a sector known as Marketplace. Marketplace is a business model that
only provides a platform to facilitate the meeting of buyers and sellers. Various kinds of marketplaces,
both local and international, have entered the Indonesian market such as Shopee, Bukalapak, Lazada,
Blibli, and Zalora (Angela & Paramita, 2020).
Consumers often do not know that the commodities they get on online shopping sites are not
what they need. This tendency is often referred to as "impulse buying." According to Rook and Gardner
in (Bhakat & Muruganantham, 2013), impulse buying is an unplanned buying activity that involves
making decisions quickly and has a tendency to get the product immediately. According to (Verhagen
& van Dolen, 2011), when making online purchases that start with simple access to products and an
easy and fast buying process that only requires one click to "order," buyers often behave impulsively.
Dawson & Kim, (2009) predicted that with the tremendous growth potential of online shopping
activities, there is room for consumers to be able to make impulse purchases (Dawson & Kim, 2009).
According to Donthu and Garcia in (Sinjaya & Santoso, 2021), online buyers are more impulsive than
offline buyers. The occurrence of impulse buying in online purchases occurs because of the ease of
choosing products and "clicking," which creates the emergence of temptations so as to increase impulse
buying. In addition, another consideration that makes impulse buying happen online is the ease of
processing payment transactions using digital technology, which makes it easier for users to pay for
their orders anytime and anywhere. Impulse buying in fact occurs in approximately 40% of all online
shopping. This fact shows that there is an increasing number of online impulse purchases in society.
[ Gender: Moderate Effect of Hedonic Browsing and Utilitarian
Browsing Toward Online Impulse Buying Generation Z on
Shopee in Pekanbaru City]
Vol 1 No 4, 2023
Gatot Wijayanto, Ni Wayan Sinta Devi Saraswati, Tengku Firli Musfar, Jushermi,
Marzolina |
Table 1
Marketplaces most frequently used by the society
Source: Indonesian Internet Service Providers Association (APJII), 2019-2020 (Q2)
Based on a survey conducted by the Indonesian Internet Service Providers Association (APJII)
in 2019-2020 (Q2), 27.4% of people prefer the Shopee marketplace to do online shopping activities to
meet their needs. This shows the marketplace Shopee Top of Mind marketplaces in Indonesia.
Shopee is the first to be present in Southeast Asia by offering a variety of products ranging from
fashion products to daily necessities through online buying and selling transactions for free, fun and
reliable. Shopee first entered the Indonesian market at the end of May 2015 (Angela & Paramita, 2020).
Based on Ipsos research at the end of 2021, the three largest marketplace platforms in Indonesia are
Shopee, Tokopedia, and Lazada, based on four main indicators: brand, usage, most and often (BUMO),
front of mind, number of transactions, and three-month transaction value. previously. According to the
poll results, Shopee platform was ranked first in the four indicators, followed by Tokopedia in second
place and Lazada (Darmawan, 2022) in third place.
In online purchases for consumers, the first step is to browse the website or application. This
involves internet filtering and decision making. According to (Babin et al., 1994) in Wulandari et al.,
(2018), browsing behavior has a long path that follows consumers' opportunities to eliminate or reduce
the risks associated with their buying tasks. There are two forms of browsing: utilitarian browsing and
hedonic browsing. Utilitarian browsing, in which consumers try to buy something through the
application of heuristics, goal-oriented behavior, risk avoidance tactics, and information-seeking goals.
On the one hand while hedonic browsing is more concerned with fun, entertainment, and other aspects
of the convenience of purchasing (Wulandari et al., 2018). Then, gender differences are also affected
the behavior of browsing conducted by customers. The focus of this study because the results of research
on gender are still inconsistent.
This is evidenced by the research conducted by Renanita, (2018) with the title "Tendency of
Online Impulsive Buying Judging from Hedonic Website Browsing and Gender in Generation Y",
which shows that the tendency of impulsive buying behavior is influenced by hedonic browsing and
there is no difference between men and women, Then the research conducted by Paramitha et al., (2022)
entitled "The Effect of Hedonic Shopping and Utilitarian Values on Impulse Buying Moderated by
Gender on the Marketplace" supports which shows that gender does not moderate the effect of hedonic
shopping or value. However, there are differences in the results from research conducted by (Zhang et
al., 2021; Zheng et al., 2019), which states that there are differences in consumptive behavior where
men tend not to be impulsive while women are impulsive.
Riau Province is one of the provinces in Indonesia that has fairly high population growth. Based
on the Population Census conducted by the Statistics Indonesia of Riau Province, (2020), the population
in Riau Province is dominated by Generation Z, which is 30.79%, or around 1.94 million people. Based
on a survey conducted by the Statistics Indonesia of Riau Province in 2020 on the use of the internet is
carried out by the community based on the Regency/City in Riau Province, it can be seen that the highest
number is occupied by Pekanbaru City, which is 75.22%. This result is the highest compared to other
regencies/cities in Riau Province. Therefore, the majority of people in Pekanbaru City are more active
in using their cell phones or cellphones to access the internet from the statistics Indonesia data, seen in
Pekanbaru City, people use media in the form of cellphones which is equal to 98.73%. The activities
carried out by the community when accessing the internet are varied, such as making transactions for
Vol 1 No 4, 2023
[ Gender: Moderate Effect of Hedonic Browsing and Utilitarian
Browsing Toward Online Impulse Buying Generation Z on Shopee
in Pekanbaru City]|Gatot Wijayanto, Ni Wayan Sinta Devi Saraswati, Tengku
Firli Musfar, Jushermi, Marzolina
purchasing goods and services, conducting learning, getting information or news, sending or receiving
emails, accessing social media, selling goods and services, entertainment, financial facilities,
information on goods and services, and other.
Therefore, data obtained based on a preliminary survey of 38 respondents who are residents of
Pekanbaru City shows that as many as 81.6% of people use Shopee as a marketplace that is used to
carry out online shopping activities. the number of users accessing Shopee's online site for a month,
data obtained shows that 47.2% of users access more than 5 times a month. This data shows that Shopee
has become the Top of Mind and often access Shopee than others marketplaces. Then, there were 27
respondents, or around 75%, who stated that they had bought something that was fun but not too much
needed in Shopee. This survey can be a positive indicator that shows that the people of Pekanbaru city
are people who like shopping for goods outside their plan. There were 11 respondents who did impulse
buying for fashion products, then 6 respondents for skincare products, then electronic products and
books, as many as 4 respondents. From this data, it can be seen that the most purchased items when
doing impulse buying at Shopee are fashion products, skincare, electronic goods, and books.
Based on the phenomena and facts described above, the authors are interested in conducting
research entitled "Gender: Moderate Effect of Hedonic Browsing and Utilitarian Browsing on Online
Impulse Buying Generation Z on Shopee in Pekanbaru City"
Research Locatio and Time
This research is conducted online using Google Forms where links to request survey participation
were distributed through the author's social media and online messaging applications. The research will
be carried out for 4 months, starting in April and ending in July 2022.
Types and of Data
There are two types of data based on the source, namely: Primary Data that was taken from the
collection of research questionnaire through online survey and secondary data is data that supports
research obtained through the website of Statistics Indonesia, journal articles, books and other survey
website sources.
According to Sugiyono (Sugiyono, 2017), population is the field of generalization includes:
objects/themes with certain properties and characteristics, determined by researchers and then drawing
conclusions." The population in this study are Shopee users who are Generation Z in Pekanbaru City.
Based on the theory of Hair et al., in (Suliyanto, 2018), the determination of the sample size is
based on the rules of Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) is 100-200 subjects. Then this theory also
suggests using a formula of 5-10 times the number of parameters (indicator + path coefficient). Thus,
this study uses a sample size based on the theory of 200 respondents.
Data Analysis Techiques
The data analysis technique used in this research is descriptive statistics using Structural
Equation Modeling based on Partial Least Square (PLS-SEM) with WarpPLS 7.0 software. This
analytical method consists of 3 components, namely: a structural model, a measurement model, and a
weighting scheme, which is its trademark (Narimawati et al., 2020). Imam Ghozali (Imam, 2014) stated
that the purpose of PLS is to help researchers get the value of latent variables for prediction. It is easy
to see the relationship between consumer impulsive buying behavior (dependent variable), an
independent variable, and moderating variable.
[ Gender: Moderate Effect of Hedonic Browsing and Utilitarian
Browsing Toward Online Impulse Buying Generation Z on
Shopee in Pekanbaru City]
Vol 1 No 4, 2023
Gatot Wijayanto, Ni Wayan Sinta Devi Saraswati, Tengku Firli Musfar, Jushermi,
Marzolina |
The research results which will be presented below are a general summary of the distribution of
data obtained based on research findings in the field. The sample size is 200 respondents, all of whom
are Generation Z people in the age range of 18-26 years and domiciled in Pekanbaru City. The data was
collected between June 21 and July 10 2022, by distributing closed questionnaires to Generation Z in
Pekanbaru City to collect data.
Characteristics of Respondents, Description of Research Variables
Table 2
Characteristics of Respondents
18-20 years
21-23 years
24-26 years
Private Employees
Civil Servants
Monthly Income
< IDR 1,000,000
IDR 1,000,000 - < IDR 2,000,000
IDR 2,000,000 - < IDR3,000,000
IDR 3,000,000 - < IDR 4,000,000
> IDR 4,000,000
Source: Data Proceed, 2022
Based on the research that has been carried out, including the distribution of research
questionnaires, it has been possible to obtain an overview of the characteristics of the respondents who
are the samples in this study. Age, gender, occupation, and monthly income are the characteristics of
the respondents in this study. The frequency of respondents is shown in table 2. First, most of the
respondents with a total of 138 people or 69% aged between 21-23 years. The majority of respondents
aged between 21-23 years old show that Shopee users in Generation Z are mostly the younger
generation. Second, the majority of respondents (149 people, or 74.5%) were women, the remaining 51
people were or 25.5%, were men. The number of respondents, most of whom are women, shows that
the majority of Shopee consumers are women. In addition, women tend to enjoy shopping more than
men in terms of in-store browsing, price comparisons, brands, and so on, making women more likely
to make impulse purchases online.
Third, most of the respondents 150 people, or 75% are students. This shows that students have a
tendency to shop online through websites/applications. In addition, this also shows that the community
belonging to Generation Z in Pekanbaru City is dominated by students. Forth, most of the respondents,
numbering 109 people, or 54.5%, have a monthly income of less than Rp. 1,000,000. Based on the
respondents who are students, the income is <Rp. 1,000,000 is considered appropriate because they do
not have a permanent job and are currently studying, but they still have a monthly income paid by their
parents which is sufficient to meet their needs. Products on the Shopee website/application are also very
affordable through various promo offers so that students can still buy them.
Vol 1 No 4, 2023
[ Gender: Moderate Effect of Hedonic Browsing and Utilitarian
Browsing Toward Online Impulse Buying Generation Z on Shopee
in Pekanbaru City]|Gatot Wijayanto, Ni Wayan Sinta Devi Saraswati, Tengku
Firli Musfar, Jushermi, Marzolina
Table 3
Description of Research Variables
Hedonic Browsing
While browsing the Shopee website/app, I forget my problem and feel
While I was browsing the Shopee website/ qpplication, I felt very
enthusiastic like II was playing
I quite enjoy browsing the Shopee website/app
I see other items on Shopee just for fun
Utilitarian Browsing
I did shopee website/app to buy something better in terms of price and
I browse (search) the Shopee website/ application to get information
about a product that I want
I look at other marketplace website/application as acomparison
I browse (search) the shopee website/application to get as much value-
added information as possible
I do a search (browsing) on the website /shopee application because I
think it is efficient in terms of energy and time
Impulse Buying
I often buy things spontaneously (suddenly) on the shopee website/app
I am very interested in buying products that look attattractive on the
Shopee website
I often don’t think much when I want to buy goods on the Shopee
website app
When I see something verry interestingon the Shopee
website/application, I immediately bought it without thingking about
the consequences afterwards
I often buy unintended items on the Shopee website/app
I often spend more money than Iplanned to spend on the Shopee
Source: Data Proceed, 2022
Instrument Testing Results (Outer Model)
Validity Test
Convergent Validity
This process is carried out to estimate the parameter value (estimation) to assess the
unidimensionality of each construct in terms of the convergent validity of each construct indicator. If
the category that represents the individual reflexive correlation has a value of more than 0.700 with the
measured construct, it is considered to have a high value (Ghozali & Latan, 2015). After repeating the
analysis process twice, all questionnaire items in this study have reached the provisions' value, namely
> 0.700, and can be considered valid. Thus, all variables in the study have met the requirements of
convergent validity, which is that they have obtained an AVE value greater than 0.500. This proves that
each latent variable has represented the indicators in their respective blocks.
Discriminant Validity
Discriminant validity has become a widely accepted prerequisite for understanding the
relationship between latent variables. If the root of the Average Variance Extracted (AVE) of the
extracted mean variance is greater than the correlation involving the latent variable, a model is declared
[ Gender: Moderate Effect of Hedonic Browsing and Utilitarian
Browsing Toward Online Impulse Buying Generation Z on
Shopee in Pekanbaru City]
Vol 1 No 4, 2023
Gatot Wijayanto, Ni Wayan Sinta Devi Saraswati, Tengku Firli Musfar, Jushermi,
Marzolina |
to have considerable discriminant validity (Kock & Lynn, 2012). The AVE root value and the
correlation of all latent variables are declared valid because the AVE root value is greater than the
correlation of latent variables.
Reliability Test
After the construct validity test, a construct reliability test was conducted which was evaluated
with Composite Reliability (CR) from the indicator block that assessed the CR construct used to show
good reliability. If the composite reliability value is greater than 0.6 then the construct is considered
reliable. Hair et al., (F. Hair Jr et al., 2014) stated that the coefficient of composite reliability must be
greater than 0.7, but a value of 0.6 is acceptable. The results of the composite reliability test show a
value greater than 0.7, which indicates that all variables are considered reliable. Thus, the estimation of
the model's reliability value for each construct is classified as good.
Analysis of the Inner Model
Finding the value of R-square (𝑅2) on the dependent construct is one approach to testing the
inner model. Structural models with an R-square (𝑅2) value of more than 0.19 were considered "weak",
while an R-square (𝑅2) greater than 0.33 was considered "moderate", and an R-square (𝑅2) greater than
0.67 is considered "good" (Ghozali, 2006). Based on the output R-square (𝑅2), the structural model
(inner model) in this study is characterized as "weak". the IB dependency construct is 0.274. As a result,
the HB, UB, and Gender constructs predict 27.4% of the IB constructs, the rest are predicted by
variables outside the model.
Hypothesis Testing
Figure 2: Hypothesis Testing Result
Source: Data Processed using WarpPLS, 2022
Path Coefficient used for hypothesis testing, as shown in Table below. To determine the significance
level of the path coefficient, the value (p-value) generated based on the processing on WarpPLS is used
to determine whether the proposed hypothesis is accepted or not. At a significance level of 0.05, the
hypothesis will be supported if the significance level is below 0.05 (5%).
Table 4
Path Coefficient Estimation Results
P Value
Hedonic Browsing Impulse
Buying (H1)
Vol 1 No 4, 2023
[ Gender: Moderate Effect of Hedonic Browsing and Utilitarian
Browsing Toward Online Impulse Buying Generation Z on Shopee
in Pekanbaru City]|Gatot Wijayanto, Ni Wayan Sinta Devi Saraswati, Tengku
Firli Musfar, Jushermi, Marzolina
Utilitarian Browsing Impulse
Buying (H2)
Not Significant
Gender Memoderasi Utilitarian
Browsing Impulse Buying (H3)
Not Significant
Gender Memoderasi Hedonic
Browsing Impulse Buying (H3)
Not Significant
Source: Output of Data Processing Using WarpPLS, 2022
Based on table above, the regression equation is obtained as follows:
Y = a + bX
Y= 0.501X1 - 0.035X2 + (0.0662Z + 0.028Z) D1
Y = Impulse Buying
X1 = Hedonic Browsing
X2 = Utilitarian Browsing
D1 = Dummy Gender
a = Constant
β = Estimation Coefficient
The Effect of Hedonic Browsing toward Impulse Buying
Based on the submission of hypotheses and the findings of research analysis, it is determined that
H1 is acceptable. The coefficient value of the HB latent variable from the output path coefficient is
0.501, indicating a positive effect of 50% between the HB construct and the IB construct. Then, the P-
Value of <0.001 which means <0.005 indicates that the effect is significant.
Hedonic Browsing is a dominant factor that has a very significant effect on Impulse Buying. The
results of this study are in line with (Akram et al., 2018; Budiman et al., 2022; Hussain & Sajjad, 2021;
Kumar et al., 2021; Maghfiroh & Riptiono, 2019; Ozen & Engizek, 2014; Park et al., 2012; Renanita,
2017; Rezaei et al., 2016; Suarmaja et al., 2016; Wulandari et al., 2018) which states that Hedonic
Browsing affects impulse buying dactivities. Thus, the higher the degree of Hedonic Browsing of a
person, namely the emergence of a strong impulse from within, the more likely that person will do
Impulse Buying in online shopping (Suarmaja et al., 2016).
In addition, a person's hedonic habits also contribute to an increase in Impulse Buying Napitupulu
& Hidayat, (2020) such as Shopaholic behavior which is usually done by women (Napitupulu &
Hidayat, 2020). Unique factors of shopping sites such as user-generated content greatly facilitates the
customer's browsing experience (Chen et al., 2019).
Thus, a marketing strategy approach This is in accordance with Hawkins et al in Suarmaja et al (2014),
which argues that buyers who seek a variety of choices (variations) have hedonic traits that can
encourage them to engage in impulse buying. Buying Shopee parties can take advantage of the
marketing strategy method ran to increase the variety of choices in their marketplace to stimulate
consumers to do Hedonic Browsing. Furthermore, website personality and design quality are considered
to be able to attract consumers to buy because they are judged in terms of convenience when browsing
in-store on the Shopee website/application.
The Effect of Utilitarian Browsing toward Impulse Buying
Based on the proposed hypothesis and the findings of the research analysis, it was determined
that H2 was unacceptable. The coefficient value of the UB latent variable from the output path
coefficient is -0.035, indicating a negative effect of 3.5% between the UB construct and the IB construct.
Then, the P-Value is 0.308, which means >0.005, indicating that the effect is not significant.
The results of this study are in line with research conducted by (Budiman et al., 2022; Maghfiroh
& Riptiono, 2019; Ozen & Engizek, 2014; Paramitha et al., 2022; Wulandari et al., 2018) which shows
[ Gender: Moderate Effect of Hedonic Browsing and Utilitarian
Browsing Toward Online Impulse Buying Generation Z on
Shopee in Pekanbaru City]
Vol 1 No 4, 2023
Gatot Wijayanto, Ni Wayan Sinta Devi Saraswati, Tengku Firli Musfar, Jushermi,
Marzolina |
that Utilitarian Browsing does not contribute to impulse buying. However, this study is not in line with
research by (Akram et al., 2018; Chen et al., 2019; Hussain & Sajjad, 2021; Rezaei et al., 2016) which
shows that utilitarian browsing has a positive effect in encouraging consumer Impulse Buying.
Thus, based on the results of the study, the Utilitarian Browsing variable has no effect on the
Impulse Buying variable, the effect is negative. In other words, the greater the degree of Utilitarian
Browsing does not affect the degree of Impulse Buying. This means that companies must improve the
elements that cause consumers to do Utilitarian Browsing, such as offering more detailed information
about prices, product quality, and so on.
In addition, the Shopee marketplace also needs to maintain product quality at affordable prices
so that consumers are more interested in doing browsing activities on Shopee. Consumers with
utilitarian values shop impulsively to save money or reduce costs by buying goods or products at the
lowest possible price (Ferrand & Vecchiatini, 2002).
The Effect of Gender in Moderating Hedonic Browsing toward Impulse Buying
The coefficient value of the Gender moderator variable from the output path coefficient is 0.066
which indicates that there is a negative effect of 6.6 percent on the Gender construct in moderating the
effect of the HB construct on the IB construct. Then the P-Value value is 0.172 (>0.05), which means
it is not significant. The findings of this study reveal that gender positively but not significantly
moderates the effect of Hedonic Browsing on Impulse Buying behavior in the marketplace. This means
that there are differences in impulse buying behavior based on gender between women and men.
The moderating variable Gender uses a dummy variable (1 for women and 0 for men), which
means women have an insignificant and 0.066 higher influence than men in the influence of Hedonic
Browsing on Impulse Buying on Shopee, it was decided that female consumers are more often do
Hedonic Browsing until they finally make an Impulse Buying decision compared to male consumers.
This is in line with research conducted by (Zhang et al., 2021) which states that there are
differences in consumptive behavior where men tend not to be impulsive while women are impulsive.
However, this research is not in line with the research conducted by Renanita (2018); Paramitha et al.,
(2022); which states that gender is not significantly able to moderate the relationship between Hedonic
Browsing (hedonic browsing) and Impulse Buying because men and women basically have the same
hedonic tendency in impulse buying but what makes the difference is the type of product purchased
(Paramitha et al., 2022). Insignificant results occur because of the possibility of other factors that can
moderate the effect of the value of hedonic shopping on impulse buying, namely age where age is the
most dominant.
The Effect of Gender in Moderating Utilitarian Browsing toward Impulse Buying
The coefficient value of the Gender moderator variable from the output path coefficient is 0.066
which indicates that there is a negative effect of 6.6 percent on the Gender construct in moderating the
effect of the HB construct on the IB construct. Then the P-Value value is 0.172 (>0.05), which means
it is not significant. The findings of this study reveal that gender positively but not significantly
moderates the effect of Hedonic Browsing on Impulse Buying behavior in the marketplace. This means
that there are differences in impulse buying behavior based on gender between women and men.
The moderating variable Gender uses a dummy variable (1 for women and 0 for men), which
means women have an insignificant and 0.066 higher influence than men in the influence of Hedonic
Browsing on Impulse Buying on Shopee, it was decided that female consumers are more often do
Hedonic Browsing until they finally make an Impulse Buying decision compared to male consumers.
This is in line with research conducted by (Zhang et al., 2021) which states that there are
differences in consumptive behavior where men tend not to be impulsive while women are impulsive.
However, this research is not in line with the research conducted by Renanita (2018); Paramitha et al.,
(2022); which states that gender is not significantly able to moderate the relationship between Hedonic
Browsing (hedonic browsing) and Impulse Buying because men and women basically have the same
hedonic tendency in impulse buying but what makes the difference is the type of product purchased
(Paramitha et al., 2022).
Vol 1 No 4, 2023
[ Gender: Moderate Effect of Hedonic Browsing and Utilitarian
Browsing Toward Online Impulse Buying Generation Z on Shopee
in Pekanbaru City]|Gatot Wijayanto, Ni Wayan Sinta Devi Saraswati, Tengku
Firli Musfar, Jushermi, Marzolina
Insignificant results occur because of the possibility of other factors that can moderate the effect
of the value of hedonic shopping on impulse buying, namely age where age is the most dominant.
Research conducted by (Dey & Srivastava, 2017) states that young consumers tend to be hedonic in
making impulse purchases. This is also in line with the findings in this study that consumers feel very
happy when browsing the Shopee website/application like playing.
Based on the findings of the research, the conclusions that can be drawn are, the Hedonic
Browsing variable has a positive and significant effect on the Impulse Buying variable and is the most
influential (dominant) variable on the Online Impulse Buying variable in the Shopee marketplace in the
next generation. Z in Pekanbaru City. The Utilitarian Browsing variable has a negative and insignificant
effect on the Online Impulse Buying variable in the Shopee marketplace in Generation Z in Pekanbaru
City. Gender variables have a positive and insignificant effect in moderating the influence of Hedonic
and Utilitarian Browsing on Online Impulse Buying in the Shopee marketplace in Generation Z in
Pekanbaru City.
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Copyright holders:
Gatot Wijayanto, Ni Wayan Sinta Devi Saraswati, Tengku Firli Musfar,
Jushermi, Marzolina (2023)
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Hawalah Kajian Ilmu Manajemen, Ekonomi dan Bisnis
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