Panca Maulana Firdaus|
Panca Maulana Firdaus
Budi Luhur University, South Jakarta, Indonesia
Email: firdaus.p[email protected]
Strategy; Innovative;
Dynamic; Global Market
Globalization in the industrial field has encouraged the emergence of free trade
across countries Free trade is a situation in which the flow of goods, services, and
people traffic from and to a country in the world does not experience significant
obstacles. Such a situation, will pose both opportunities and threats to the
country. This opportunity is in the form of easier production goods and services to
enter foreign markets. Therefore, it is necessary to develop innovative strategies
to face the challenges of globalization. So that the country is able to strengthen its
position to take opportunities in global economic competition. The research
method used in this study is a type of descriptive research. The method used to
analyze data by describing or describing the data that has been collected as it is
without meaning to make conclusions. Descriptive research is research that seeks
to describe a symptom, an event that occurs at the present moment or an actual
problem. The results of this study show that the presence of globalization is a
necessity that cannot be avoided, along with advances in science and technology
make globalization have a considerable influence on all aspects of life. Therefore,
the next step that must be taken is to develop innovative strategies to strengthen
the country's position in the global arena from various fields. One of the fields
that has the most broad implications for the development of globalization is in the
field of national industry. Among them is the development of national industries
that focus on developing priority industries in order to meet the market.
Currently, the world is facing a new era marked by the trend of globalization. There are several
factors that drive globalization, namely market drivers, cost drivers, government drivers, and
competitive drivers. Other factors that drive globalization include revolutions in information and
communication technology, globalization of markets. Global marketing is marketing activities by
(global) companies that have (global) businesses with the same marketing strategies, markets, and
products in various countries.
The phenomenon of globalization is something inevitable, something that must occur, in
addition to providing economic benefits but also brings implications to many aspects of human life,
which ultimately requires society to be able to adapt to the changes that occur. (Yuniarto, 2015).
Indirectly, the invitation to compete in the global market will increase new understanding for
business people how to advance their products to countries in the world. (Yuliaty et al., 2020).
Globalization is a challenge for all companies that want to enter the global market. Because with
globalization, companies are required to implement global marketing strategies so that they will have
an impact on competitive advantage in the local market, namely the market where the company's
products are marketed. (Hasibuan & Aslami, 2022).
A company is said to have a competitive advantage when the company has something that
competitors do not have. (Andriyanto & Nurjanah, 2016). Small and medium-sized enterprises must
have the ability to build networks to enter the global market and participate in the international
market. (Hidayanti & Alhadar, 2021). Some of the leading commodities that have great demand in the
global market are the strengths of each country. (Husnah et al., 2022).
The global economy is formed by the push of various forces including: Technological change
reflected in industrial migration/transfer from developed to developing countries. (Arifin, 2010).
Industries can no longer compete in the global market by relying solely on price or product quality,
Volume 2, Number 1, September 2023
e-ISSN: 2963-301x and p-ISSN: 2963-3435
[ Innovative Strategies in Facing Global Market Dynamics: a Case
Study on National Industry]
Vol 2 No 1, 2023|Panca Maulana Firdaus
but must compete based on innovation, creativity and imagination. (Halim, 2020). Facing stronger
competition in the global market, the government needs to play a role in creating a business network
for entrepreneurs (Yulia, 2015).
In the era of globalization, more and more large-scale companies in Indonesia are competing
with each other. This trend indicates increasingly sharp competition. In a competitive business
environment, the company must have the ability to differentiate itself in the competition, in order to
maintain the survival of the company.
Therefore, the opportunities that can be done to face the challenges of globalization through
strategy are (Aryani, 2019). Strategic planning is "the one best way" to decide and implement
strategies that can improve the competitiveness of each business unit. (Julita Sari & Nurmala, 2016).
Competing requires a strategy. Each strategy is unique. There is no competition strategy, especially in
business (Pangiuk, 2018).
Today, global marketing has expanded to all countries. Many foreign goods or products are
sold in the market. On the other hand, with this global marketing, many countries feel benefited but
there are also some countries that feel disadvantaged. The benefit in this case is to get additional
income as foreign exchange. A country that cannot keep up with this globalization will result in
minuses in various fields.
Based on the phenomenon of globalization, it is important for every company to have a
strategic way of thinking, by measuring performance. The existence of performance measurement is
expected to achieve improved performance through improvements implemented. Therefore, to face
the dynamics of the global market, innovative strategies are needed, especially for the national
industry as a strengthening of the country's economy.
The research method used in this research is descriptive research. Descriptive method is a
method used to analyze data by describing or describing the data that has been collected as it is
without intending to make conclusions that apply to the public or generalizations. descriptive research
is research that seeks to describe a symptom, an event that occurs at the present time or an actual
problem. This type of research is qualitative data source collection techniques literature study (library
Research). Then analyzed with the phenomena that occur at the present time. So as to get a temporary
conclusion from the problem.
Strategy Planning
Strategic planning is a systematic process that an organization agrees upon and builds
engagement among key stakeholders-about priorities that are essential to its mission and responsive to
the operating environment. Planning (Julita Sari & Nurmala, 2016). Operationalize strategic planning
with the support of adequate production technology, top leadership commitment and active
participation from competent and professional employees. (Nawawi, 2012).
Contextually, the strategies that need to be implemented refer to global strategies (Aushafina &
Giveraldy, 2018). Strategy Planning or Strategy Management that formulates and plans strategies to
integrate quality concepts into the overall Corporate Strategy. (Ambarwati & Supardi, 2020).
Competing requires a strategy. Each strategy is unique. There is no competition strategy, especially in
economic endeavors, which is patent and can be a superior formula that suits all economic endeavors.
Because every business has different needs, goals and environment.
Therefore, each business has a different strategy in meeting its daily needs. The difference is
influenced by several factors: Market segmentation structure.Jenis usaha dan produk; Place position;
Existence of major competitors; Pricing (Pangiuk, 2018).
Strategy is a planning process carried out by a company, a person, or a leader with a number of
considerations in the form of internal and external factors in the company to achieve the desired goals
so that it can excel from its competitors. (Maulidya et al., 2016). The strategic plan aims to optimize
the achievement of the company's strategic goals and operational goals.(SANTOSO et al., 2022).
Vol 2 No 1, 2023
[ Innovative Strategies in Facing Global Market Dynamics: a
Case Study on National Industry]
Panca Maulana Firdaus|
The foregoing is intended to show that not all companies must go international but must plan
for growth and survival in an era of global competition. (Bilgies, 2017). Strategic planning begins with
environmental observation, including monitoring, evaluating and gathering information from the
external and internal environment. The goal is to identify the strategic factors that drive the
organization's future plans. (SANTOSO et al., 2022). strategic planning, strategic training and
development, strategic compensation and reward systems, strategic succession and strategic
assessment. All these functions and processes try to integrate with the strategy. (Aryani, 2019).
Every businessman wants his business to succeed and survive. There are certain tips for
businesses to survive despite the storms. Here's a strategy to keep your business afloat (Neng Frida,
2020). Yaitu antara lain:
1) Have high self-confidence and independence. Every
businessman must have high self-confidence. Every business whatever is done certainly has a
risk factor. Without high confidence the business cannot run because it does not dare to bear
all the risks. If you already have confidence, even with a small capital you can start a
business. A businessman must also have an entrepreneurial mentality and high independence
so that he is not lazy in running his business. Entrepreneurial mentality is very important,
because in running a business, of course a businessman will experience various problems, so
he is ready to fall up and down in building his business. If you don't have an entrepreneurial
mentality, you can be sure that the businessman will despair and go out of business.
2) Doing halal business, starting from capital, process, to sales. Business capital is very
important, but it must be obtained in a good way, not cheating. The process of doing business
is also carried out in good ways as well, honestly, not monopolizing, and cheating. Basically,
if you cheat, the impact is back on yourself. In addition, what is no less important is that the
goods traded are goods that are halal, good, and do not harm the human body.
3) Export and import goods. Businessmen must have a wide market share. By
Export and import goods. Businessmen must have a wide market share. By exporting and
importing goods, it means that you have expanded your market share. The wider the market
share created, the greater the sales target and the profit earned. A businessman must be
creative in finding and creating market opportunities, increasing productivity and efficiency.
4) Maintain the trust of business relations. This is very important for the back and forth of the
business being carried out. Maintain the trust of business relations by maintaining the quality
of goods and also keeping payments in accordance with the specified time. The method used
to maintain customer trust is to provide good and satisfying service. Also the goods sold are
of good quality and have no defects.
5) Promoting traded goods, namely by making advertisements both in electronic and print
media. In the current era, promotion can be done easily, namely through social media which
has a very large and broad following, can reach various parts of the world. With this
promotion, potential consumers can find out the quality, shape, and price of the commodities
offered. Promotion can attract more consumers by providing tasters and price discounts at the
beginning of product launching.
6) Doing business with basic necessities. A very promising business is the basic necessities
business. This is because basic necessities have two characteristics, namely
doing export and import activities, it means that it has expanded the Leadership. A
leader must have a leadership spirit, be easy to
ptation with others, and open to suggestions and criticism. This is for the betterment of the
business. Without good leadership a business will not be successful.
7) Suggestions and criticisms are welcome so that the business is always innovative, creative,
and flexible.
8) Using information technology in doing business. Nowadays, people are getting used to digital
consumption. With online shopping services, the community will be greatly helped, and this
is also an opportunity for business people to serve and attract as many consumers as possible.
Another strategy to pursue expansion is to introduce new items. The importance of new product
introduction can be attributed to three factors:
[ Innovative Strategies in Facing Global Market Dynamics: a Case
Study on National Industry]
Vol 2 No 1, 2023|Panca Maulana Firdaus
a. To entertain some other untapped segments
b. To fulfill the unmet needs of consumers from some previous products or by competing products
c. As a means of customization to fit a particular market segment. In general, the product life
cycle is the driving force behind the introduction of new products. Short-lived items will be
replaced by new ones from rival companies (Maulidya et al., 2016)
. Of course, there are still many things that must be done to face global challenges, especially in
the current and future years. One of the fundamental elements of identity and existence is realized in
relevant strategic planning. Contextually, the strategies that need to be implemented refer to global
strategies, especially in the National industry.
Likewise, competitive analysis must be the core of the strategic plan. To win the competition, it
is necessary to maintain a position in the existing market with expertise that includes engineering
excellence or technical expertise or an ability to respond to changes quickly and effectively. (Arifin,
2010). While competitive advantage is the ability to produce products at low cost and quality, making
it possible to sell at competitive prices. (Swabawa et al., 2020).
Industrial development in Indonesia has made a major contribution to the national economy
ranging from production output, employment, to foreign exchange earnings. (Pujiono et al., 2018).
The challenge of global companies is to be good at strategizing in order to achieve success in
business. A good business strategy is a strategy that can produce increased "business results" such as
increasing profits, growing market share, satisfactory return on investment and others. (Arifin, 2010).
After the strategy has been carefully designed, it is only then that the container that will support
the creation of the strategy is considered. This is where the importance of the role of the
organizational structure and its staff becomes very decisive. So the mindset that strategizing first and
then the structure is formed is a new thought in the new paradigm that business people need to pay
attention to Implementation of Innovative Strategies for National Industries in Facing Global Market
Peter Drucker argues that innovation is a specific function of entrepreneurship, whether in
existing businesses, public service institutions, or new ventures demonstrated by a single individual.
(Bilgies, 2017). Therefore, companies must be more creative and innovative by offering products or
services that are of greater value. (Pitoy et al., 2016). This is what is demanded by the market that is
the focus or target for competition. In general, companies strive to meet consumer expectations, by
building trust in a long-term relationship between the company and its customers.
Innovation will lead to the formation of competitiveness in an industry in a particular region.
(Asmara & Rahayu, 2019). Adaptation and Innovation can actually still be applied to a variety of
conditions and different places and times as long as it is based on an understanding of the problems
felt in the perspective of consumers, including adjustments to the impact of a policy that is in effect in
order to present the ability to carry out the business activities of each industry. (Taufik et al., 2021).
In addition, production innovation drives the superiority of business competitiveness, also
determined by (agile-based management strategy); namely the application of a basic strategy of
managerial agility and agility in serving the community or consumers. (Nawawi, 2012). Companies
should strive to achieve sustainable competitive advantage which means showing the company's
efforts in the long term that are able to maintain a competitive advantage position in the industry.
(Mubarok, 2014).
Competitive advantage is the ability to produce products at low cost and quality, making it
possible to sell at competitive prices. (Swabawa et al., 2020). Increasingly high levels of innovation,
regarding the speed, availability and cost-effectiveness of international communications. All of which
need to be considered before becoming a player in the global marketplace among the forces at play.
(Arifin, 2010).
Significant economic contribution, positive business climate, up-to-date resource-based,
sustainable innovation and creativity, as well as competitive advantage and positive impact on society.
(Hidayanti & Alhadar, 2021). Innovation will have a huge advantage in global trade (Husnah et al.,
There are several objectives in global marketing in helping world trade, namely:
Vol 2 No 1, 2023
[ Innovative Strategies in Facing Global Market Dynamics: a
Case Study on National Industry]
Panca Maulana Firdaus|
a) Improve the Competence of Entrepreneurs
Global marketing has a goal to increase the competence or expertise of every entrepreneur to be
able to find and get various new ideas and knowledge in terms of selling their products to the public.
These competencies will be clearly visible about who are competent and less competent
b) Survival
Another goal of global marketing is to survive and to meet the basic needs of every community.
Why? Because every entrepreneur will always be required to be able to get new ideas and innovate in
doing their marketing.
Some basic strategies include:
1) National industrial development that focuses on the development of priority industries in order to
meet the ASEAN market; industrial development in order to secure the domestic market.
Furthermore, the development of small and medium industries; human resource development and
research; and the implementation of Indonesian National Standards (SNI).
2) Agricultural development, focusing on increasing direct investment in the agricultural sector, and
improving market access.
3) Marine and fisheries development, with a focus on strengthening marine and fisheries institutions
and positions; strengthening marine and fisheries competitiveness; strengthening domestic
markets; and strengthening and improving export markets.
4) Energy development, focusing on developing the electricity sub-sector and reducing the use of
fossil energy (fuel oil); new, renewable energy and energy conservation sub-sectors; and
increasing energy and electricity supply in order to compete with countries that have better
infrastructure. (Nurhayati, 2015).
These new ideas are essential when there is no longer adequate survival in society. It's
important to note that many communities are in dire need of global marketing to survive and make a
better life.
The presence of globalization is a necessity that cannot be avoided, along with advances in
science and technology, globalization has a considerable influence in all aspects of life, both positive
and negative influences. One of the benefits of globalization is the increase in economic productivity,
which means that we can produce more with the same amount of effort.
Therefore, the next step that must be taken is to develop innovative strategies to strengthen the
country's position in the global arena from various fields. One of the fields that has the most extensive
implications for the development of globalization is the national industry. Among them is the
development of national industries that focus on the development of priority industries in order to
meet the market,
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Panca Maulana Firdaus (2023)
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Hawalah Kajian Ilmu Manajemen, Ekonomi dan Bisnis
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