Angga Nugraha|
Angga Nugraha
STIMA IMMI, Jakarta, Indonesia
Leadership; Excel;
Leaders in an organization have an important role in directing and influencing
their subordinates. Without someone to organize and direct an organization, the
organization can undoubtedly achieve its goals in accordance with its vision and
mission. Therefore, a leader figure is needed to be able to manage and manage
the organization to achieve its goals. This study aims to examine the importance
of leadership in organizations with a literature approach. This research method is
Descriptive Analytical. This type of research is research with a literature study
approach which is carried out by finding theoretical references that are in
accordance with current and future phenomena. The results of this study show
that leadership will be a determining factor for success in an organization. This is
because leadership is the central point of significant change in the organization.
Continuous leadership development determines organizational excellence. To get
humans who have a great contribution to the organization, it takes great effort
and attention from the organization. One of the scopes of the effort is present in
the theme of leadership development.
Leadership is one of the most important elements in an effort to move forward a group or
institution or organization, both low level to the highest level, the element of leadership is a great
force that is able to move the struggle or activity towards the success of an organization.
The role of organizational leadership is very important in supporting the successful
achievement of organizational goals. (Lina Saptaria & Sopiah, 2022). Leaders in organizations have
roles, each job brings with it expectations of how the person in charge of the role behaves.
(Syamsurizal, 2019). Leadership creates change and a culture of integrity. Therefore, we need
leadership today not just management. (Rustamadji, 2020).
Leadership (leading) is an essential component of organizational management. There is a strong
consensus that the acquisition of effective leadership skills will carry organizations through the chaos
of global transformation and contribute to sustainable excellence. (Nazwirman, 2020). Leadership is a
continuous process, with the achievement of one goal being the start of a new goal. (Latifah, 2021).
However, in practice, the goal of sustainable leadership in the development of an organization
is often not as expected. There are many cases of failed leadership, such as the downfall of
BlackBerry Messenger, Starting May 31, 2019, the BBM instant messaging application, formerly
called Blackberry Messenger, officially stopped operating in Indonesia. That means BBM will no
longer operate worldwide. Indonesia is the last country that still operates BBM. And there are still
many cases of leadership failure.
With the times, leadership both scientifically and in practical terms is always evolving along
with the growth and era that continues to climb the ladders of life much higher than what was
previously passed.
A leader who cannot lead change may be the reason behind an organization's failure.
(Rustamadji, 2020). Leaders play a major role in bringing about change and providing the motivation
and communication needed to keep the change effort moving forward.
Sustainable leadership is an appropriate theory that examines the phenomenon of successful
leaders. (Putri, Kismartini, & Rahman, 2021). Leadership generally refers to a person's ability to lead
and influence others in achieving a common goal. (Nursalim, Pratiwi, Farasi, & Ansori, 2023).
Volume 2, Number 1, September 2023
e-ISSN: 2963-301x and p-ISSN: 2963-3435
Vol 2 No 1, 2023
[ Sustainable Leadership Development For Organization
Excellence]|Angga Nugraha
The concept of leadership continues to evolve over time and is always interesting to research
according to the times. (Fatimatus zahroh & ahmad dhani syahruddin, 2023). Nowadays, leadership is
not only focused on the leader himself, but also involves many people in an organization. This is of
course the back and forth of an organization depending on the leader.
Therefore, based on the problems mentioned above, this study aims to investigate and improve
the role of leadership ability to realize sustainable competitive advantage in an organization.
The method used in this research is Analytical Descriptive, which describes the phenomena that
are currently developing. The research design uses a Literature review system. Literature study is
research conducted by researchers by collecting several articles related to research problems and
objectives. The purpose of using this technique is to reveal various theories that are relevant to the
problems being faced/researched as reference material in discussing the research results.
The data that has been used is using thematic analysis. Thematic analysis is one way to get
results by analyzing data that aims to identify patterns or determine themes through data that has been
collected by research. (Wibowo & Tjahjono, 2023).
The Nature of Sustainable Leadership
Leadership is strongly associated with change. Leaders determine the purpose of change
through the development of a vision for the future. Leadership is very important in the success of an
organization, where the success of an organization is very determined or very dependent on a leader.
(Syamsurizal, 2019).
Leadership is one of many leadership theories that are believed to bring fresh air to
organizational change. (Maria Dimova & Stirk, 2019). The success of an organization both as a whole
and as a group in a particular organization depends largely on the quality of leadership contained in
the organization concerned. (Badiklat Kemhan, 2016).
An effective leader influences followers in order to obtain the expected goals. Different types
of leadership can affect the effectiveness or performance of the organization. (Latifah, 2021). There
are several types of leadership such as charismatic, transactional, transformational, ethical and what is
developing now is authentic leadership. There is a gap between leader expectations and reality.
Here are the types of leadership according to Kartono:
1. Charismatic type, this leader is a force of energy, an extraordinary attraction that will be
obeyed by his subordinates. Has supernatural powers, super and brave.
2. Paternalistic and Materialistic type, protecting followers as a loving father. Gives employees
to take initiative in decision-making.
3. Militaristic type, commanding by using an order system from superiors to subordinates in an
authoritarian manner. Requires that subordinates always obey formally.
4. Autocratic type, based on power and coercion that absolutely must be fulfilled. Every order is
determined without consultation, power becomes very absolute.
5. Laissez Faire type, allowing followers to behave as they wish with full responsibility. The
position of leader is obtained in a bad way such as the nepotism system.
6. Populistic type, can act and be a leader of the people. He is based on traditional community
7. Administrative type, a leader who can carry out administrative tasks effectively. Through this
type, technical development, modern management, and social development are expected.
8. Democratic type, this leader is always people-centered and provides guidance to his
followers. The power of the organization lies in the active role of each subordinate. (Latifah,
In addition to the types of leadership mentioned above, there are also leadership styles,
leadership styles in this context can also color and influence the performance of a company.
(Boediman, 2020). In carrying out its function and role as a leader, a leader usually applies a style or
approach in running the organization he leads. A leader can apply any approach or style that
[ Sustainable Leadership Development For Organization
Vol 2 No 1, 2023
Angga Nugraha |
characterizes the leader. (Latifah, 2021). There are four different leadership styles: delegative,
participative, consultative, and authoritative. (Nursalim et al., 2023). Leaders must choose a
leadership style that is appropriate to a particular situation or condition to achieve optimal results.
Meanwhile, the Contingency Model states that leadership effectiveness depends on a number of
specific factors, such as leader characteristics, subordinate characteristics, and specific situations or
conditions. This model identifies three main factors in determining leadership effectiveness, namely
the leader-subordinate relationship, task structure, and the leader's level of power.
Traditional leadership styles need to be transformed into digital-based leadership styles.
Leaders must be able to innovate to direct their subordinates in using digital infrastructure that
supports organizational performance. (Lina Saptaria & Sopiah, 2022). Practically and theoretically, no
one dares to say which leadership theory really applies and which leadership style is most effective in
every condition and every organization. (Alma’arif, 2019). This gives rise to various speculations and
leads to egocentric leadership experts who say that their theory is the most sophisticated and adaptive
to the various problems faced in organizations, both in political, economic and non-economic
organizations, even trying to bring closer the leadership that makes the characteristics of the
Leadership style describes the consistent philosophies, skills, traits and attitudes that underlie a
person's behavior. Leadership style will show directly about a leader's belief in the ability of his or her
subordinates. Lack of awareness and understanding of authentic leadership: Leaders and team
members may not fully understand the concept of authentic leadership and its benefits. This may
hinder the effective implementation of authentic leadership practices. (Fatimatus zahroh & ahmad
dhani syahruddin, 2023).
After discussing leadership, leadership style in this context can also color and influence the
performance of a company. There are two leadership models according to Kreitner & Kinicki's
opinion in (Boediman, 2020). That is:
First, is the transactional leadership model. This transactional leadership model gives full
concentration on clarifying the roles of employees, as well as providing rewards that depend on the
level of results obtained from each individual's performance. In the literature review, it was found that
usually this transactional leadership model in its application has a tendency to have a hierarchical
relationship pattern between (superiors and subordinates) in its leadership communication pattern.
The second leadership model is a model known as transformational leadership. A transformative
leader is able to provide trust and generate trust in its members. He performs all his actions as a moral
agent, he provides inspiring examples, shows sympathy and empathy, makes sacrifices for the
common interests of the team, is able to create and build high solidity between members.
Transformational leaders will always try their best to develop leadership in others, especially the
members they are leading, and have a mission beyond the urgency of their group's needs. (Boediman,
Transformational leaders are quite capable of producing significant changes to the organization. This
is very undoubtedly done because this form of transformational leadership is able to increase intrinsic
motivation such as; trust, commitment, and higher loyalty of its members than the loyalty of members
owned by a transactional leader.
The leadership style of a leader is dynamic and not static or fixed. (P. Y. A. Dewi, 2021). As
the job functions and responsibilities of global leaders are more complex and difficult, a future-
oriented and flexible leadership style is required. Organizations need specific leadership development
approaches for effective leadership and organizational performance. (Nazwirman, 2020).
Furthermore, to keep pace with the rapidly changing environment, leaders need more interpersonal
skills to meet current and future challenges.
Therefore, leadership that empowers all elements of the organization so that it can produce
sustainable growth. So that it can develop a superior and competitive organization that is reliable and
Vol 2 No 1, 2023
[ Sustainable Leadership Development For Organization
Excellence]|Angga Nugraha
Sustainable Leadership Development Strategies for Organizational Excellence
Strategic leadership affects the survival of the organization, especially in an environment full of
uncertainty and fierce competition caused by rapid and continuous change. To achieve these goals, a
leader must have good tactics and strategies in managing and leading the organization. (Nursalim et
al., 2023).
Viewed from an integrative perspective of strategic leadership and sustainable competitive
advantage variables based on relevant theories such as the large group view of strategic leadership.
(Nugraheni, 2023). Leaders can no longer view strategy and execution as important when they can
only rely on abstract concepts. (Latifah, 2021).
Leadership in the organization is the main variable that has a strategic role in influencing all
aspects of the organization. Leaders play a role in directing and determining policies to achieve
organizational success. (Ida Ayu Rai Sri Dewi, 2020). Understanding strategic leadership highlights
what top leaders actually do effectively to produce a strategy-focused organization. (Maratis, 2018).
Understanding strategic leadership highlights what top leaders actually do effectively to
produce a strategy-focused organization. (Maratis, 2018). Based on the objectives in this study,
namely to determine the factors that affect organizational sustainability and the most dominant factors
affecting organizational sustainability. (Wiratnadi, Meitriana, & Indrayani, 2019).
Based on the results of the analysis in this study, four (4) factors were found to influence
organizational sustainability, namely, leadership, communication, motivation, and coordination. The
results of this analysis are in line with the theory of Wirjana (2004) which states that there are four (4)
factors that affect organizational sustainability. From these four factors, two groups of factors were
formed, namely group one (1) consisting of communication factors and motivation factors and group
two (2) consisting of leadership factors and coordination factors. The factor that most affects the
sustainability of the organization of the four factors is the Leadership factor.
Thus, organizations need to think seriously and implement it in real terms about the existence
of a sustainable leadership training. There are real and achievable competency targets and there are
also credible evaluation techniques for all forms of training.
The role of a leader in the organization is so very important because the existence of a leader
can be one of the spearheads of success in the organization. The role of the leader includes being able
to manage conflicts in the organization he leads so that the conflict can be resolved properly and no
one is harmed. A leader is someone who works through other people by coordinating their activities to
obtain organizational goals.
Continuous leadership development determines an organization's excellence. To get people
who have a great contribution to the organization, it takes a lot of effort and attention from the
organization. One of the scopes of such efforts comes in the theme of leadership development. In
order to direct themselves to this goal, leaders are needed who can direct, influence, and develop
people in the organization. Leadership development becomes a serious work for an organization,
because by producing or not producing capable leaders, the process of organizational sustainability
becomes a gamble.
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Copyright holders:
Angga Nugraha (2023)
First publication right:
Hawalah Kajian Ilmu Manajemen, Ekonomi dan Bisnis
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