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The objectives in this study are: 1) To examine the effect of financial literacy variables on interest in using Islamic banks with financing factors, collection and distribution of funds with the sharia system. 2) To examine the effect of promotional variables on interest in using Islamic banks with financing factors, collection and distribution of funds with the sharia system. 3) To examine the effect of financial literacy and promotion variables on interest in using Islamic banks with financing factors, collection and distribution of funds with Islamic systems.The research was conducted using quantitative descriptive research methods. The population used was 374 members of Battalion D Pelopor Brimob Unit Polda Metro Jaya Cikarang West Java. The sample used was 79 respondents. The data analysis used Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). The expected research results are as follows: 1) the role of literacy has a positive effect on interest in using Islamic banks with financing factors, collection and distribution of funds with the sharia system. 2) the application of Promotion has a positive effect on the intention to use Islamic banks with financing factors, collection and distribution of funds with the Islamic system. 3) the role of literacy and the application of Promotion have a positive effect on the intention to use Islamic banks with financing factors, collection and distribution of funds with Islamic systems.


Literacy Promotion Interest

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