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This study aims to determine the effect of hedonic and utilitarian browsing on impulse buying in the Shopee marketplace, as well as the role of gender in moderating this influence. The population of this study includes the users of Shopee Pekanbaru City who are Generation Z. The research method used is descriptive quantitative, especially causal associative research. Primary data was collected through an online survey and analyzed using SEM-PLS through the WarpPLS version 7.0 application. The number of samples taken is 200 people aged 18-26 years in Pekanbaru City. The sampling technique used in this study is a non-probability sampling technique with a purposive sampling technique. The results showed that: 1) there was a positive and significant effect of hedonic browsing on impulse buying generation Z at Shopee Pekanbaru City, 2) there was a negative and insignificant effect of utilitarian browsing on impulse buying generation Z at Shopee in Pekanbaru City, 3) The gender variable has a positive and insignificant effect in moderating the effect of Hedonic Browsing on Online Impulse Buying in the Shopee marketplace in Generation Z in Pekanbaru City, 4) The gender variable has a positive and insignificant effect in moderating the influence of Utilitarian Browsing on Online Impulse Buying in the Shopee marketplace in Generation Z in Pekanbaru City.


Hedonic Browsing Utilitarian Browsing Gender Impulse Buying Marketplace

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