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Globalization in the industrial field has encouraged the emergence of free trade across countries Free trade is a situation in which the flow of goods, services, and people traffic from and to a country in the world does not experience significant obstacles. Such a situation, will pose both opportunities and threats to the country. This opportunity is in the form of easier production goods and services to enter foreign markets. Therefore, it is necessary to develop innovative strategies to face the challenges of globalization. So that the country is able to strengthen its position to take opportunities in global economic competition. The research method used in this study is a type of descriptive research. The method used to analyze data by describing or describing the data that has been collected as it is without meaning to make conclusions. Descriptive research is research that seeks to describe a symptom, an event that occurs at the present moment or an actual problem. The results of this study show that the presence of globalization is a necessity that cannot be avoided, along with advances in science and technology make globalization have a considerable influence on all aspects of life. Therefore, the next step that must be taken is to develop innovative strategies to strengthen the country's position in the global arena from various fields. One of the fields that has the most broad implications for the development of globalization is in the field of national industry. Among them is the development of national industries that focus on developing priority industries in order to meet the market.


Strategy Innovative Dynamic Global Market

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