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Leaders in an organization have an important role in directing and influencing their subordinates. Without someone to organize and direct an organization, the organization can undoubtedly achieve its goals in accordance with its vision and mission. Therefore, a leader figure is needed to be able to manage and manage the organization to achieve its goals. This study aims to examine the importance of leadership in organizations with a literature approach. This research method is Descriptive Analytical. This type of research is research with a literature study approach which is carried out by finding theoretical references that are in accordance with current and future phenomena. The results of this study show that leadership will be a determining factor for success in an organization. This is because leadership is the central point of significant change in the organization. Continuous leadership development determines organizational excellence. To get humans who have a great contribution to the organization, it takes great effort and attention from the organization. One of the scopes of the effort is present in the theme of leadership development.


Development Leadership Excel Organization

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