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Currently, the increasing buildup of non-organic household waste and the excessive use of single-use plastics cause environmental damage. Several tons of plastic waste dumped into the sea. The increasing accumulation of waste results in polluted air pollution, the spread of disease, and ecological damage. In developing countries there is a lack of information about sustainable products, therefore social media plays an important role in disseminating information about sustainable products and citizen awareness about the environment. This research was conducted in DKI Jakarta, Indonesia, a developing country. Furthermore, this study uses SEMPLS software to test the validity and reliability. This research specifically aims dependency on social media for sustainability-related information influence the intention to purchase sustainable products, and also this paper as a recommendation material for companies engaged in manufacturing to use materials that have sustainable principles. Citizen’s trust will be gained if the government succeed in implementing campaigns with the scope of environment awareness, sustainable product usage, and reduction of plastic usage.


Non-Organic Household Waste Environmental Damage Sustainable Products Awareness, Social Media Developing Country

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